Cookie Policy

This policy sets out information about our use of Cookies on our website.

“We”, “us” or “our” means Kingfisher Cottage, Pendra Loweth.

“Website” means

If you wish to contact us, please click here.

What is a cookie?

A ‘cookie’ is a type of data file that is stored on your device when you visit a website or perform actions while visiting a website. A cookie file contains information that is transferred to your device’s memory which is recalled when you revisit our site, or when you perform certain actions on your device. Where we refer to a cookie in this policy, this incorporates similar tracking technologies.

Necessary Cookies

When you visit our website, we only use necessary cookies. This means that additional cookies (called “Optional Cookies” in this policy) won’t be used.

Optional Cookies

Optional cookies are used for analytical, performance, advanced functionality and advertising purposes. Optional cookies help to improve websites.

Cookies can be “First Party”, i.e. set by us, or “Third Party”, i.e. placed on your device by another organisation when you visit our website. Third-party cookies may be placed on your device by an organisation providing a service to us or by our business partners, so that they can advertise products and services to you on our website and elsewhere on the internet. Because of how cookies work, our website cannot access third-party cookies stored from other websites; nor can other organisations access the data in the cookies we use on our website.

How long will cookies stay on my device?

The length of time a cookie will stay on your computer or mobile device depends on whether it is a “persistent” or “session” cookie. Session cookies should expire when you stop browsing. Persistent cookies stay on your device until they expire after a set period or are deleted. For each of the cookies used on our website we have set out the duration in the tables below.

The Cookies we use on our website

Necessary Cookies only

Necessary Cookies are cookies that are required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that allow page navigation or enable you to access certain areas of our website. Our website cannot function properly without these cookies. Necessary Cookies can only be disabled by changing your browser preferences but doing so may result in reduced or limited functionality of our website. In some circumstances our website may cease to function as intended if necessary cookies are disabled, deleted or otherwise altered. We do not accept any liability for any loss arising where necessary cookies are disabled, deleted or otherwise altered. We use the following necessary cookies:

Cookie NamePurposeControllerFurther Information (including duration of cookie)
_GRECAPTCHAGoogle ReCapcha Servicegoogle.com6 Months